Team Cowboy is a free web site you can use
to manage and organize your sports team.

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How do I control the "From" name and email address for event announcement and reminder emails?
When Team Cowboy sends automated announcement and reminder emails for events, the emails are sent from our servers but are sent on behalf of a specific team member. Typically this is the coach, manager, or captain for the team.

The team member that the emails send as can be set on the Team Settings page. If no team member is selected there, Team Cowboy will use the team administrator that has been on the team the longest as the default.

To set the team member to use as the "from" name and email address for event emails:
  1. Sign in to an account that is an administrator for the team
  2. Go to the Team Settings page
  3. Select a team member in the Manager dropdown box and/or the Captain dropdown box (Team Cowboy will use the team member in the Manager dropdown box if one is selected, otherwise it will use the team member that is selected in the Captain dropdown box)
  4. Click Save Changes

it has to determine which name and e-mail address to send from. To determine this information

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